Update November 2011: Videolectures are publicly available.
5-04-2010 (Lecture 26) - Course summary
- video-recording: here
- presentation: svm_course_summary.pdf
4-29-2010 (Lecture 25) - Steganalysis, Final project
- video-recording: here
- presentation: svm-steganalysis.pdf
4-27-2010 (Lecture 24) - Steganography
- video-recording: here
- presentation: svm-steganography.pptx
4-22-2010 (Lecture 23) - Support vector regression, Kernel PCA
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 14]
4-20-2010 (Lecture 22) - Support vector regression
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 9], [Abe - Chapter 11]
4-15-2010 (Lecture 21) - Multiclass SVM classification, Other topics
- video-recording: here
4-13-2010 (Lecture 20) - Multiclass SVM classification
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Abe - Chapter 3]
4-08-2010 (Lecture 19) - Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 7.5], [Schölkopf - Chapter 10.5]
- J. Platt, Fast Training of SVMs Using Sequential Minimal Optimization: available here
- L. Buttou and C.-J. Lin, Support Vector Machine Solvers: available here
- SMO simulation: smo.pdf
4-06-2010 (Lecture 18) - Implementation issues
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 7], [Abe - Chapter 5], [Schölkopf - Chapter 10]
3-25-2010 (Lecture 17) - Statistical learning theory
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 5], [Cristianini - Chapter 4]
- core: [Vapnik - The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory]
3-23-2010 (Lecture 16) - Kernels, non-linear SVM classification
- video-recording: here
- nonlinear_classification.pdf
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 3], [Schölkopf - Chapter 2]
3-18-2010 (Lecture 15) - Kernel trick
- video-recording: here
- kernel_trick_proof_illustrations.pdf
3-16-2010 (Lecture 14) - Kernel trick
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 2.2]
3-11-2010 (Lecture 13) - Kernel trick - Introduction
- video-recording: here [no voice after 1:17:30, lip-reading skill comes in handy]
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 3.1], [Schölkopf - Chapter 2.1]
3-09-2010 (Lecture 12) - L2-SVM
- video-recording: here
- simulations shown in the class: L2SVM.pdf, L1SVM-vs-L2SVM.pdf
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 6.1.2], [Abe - Chapter 2.4]
3-04-2010 (Lecture 11) - Cross-validation
- video-recording: here
- simulation shown in the class: L1SVM.pdf
- reading: [Abe - Chapter 2.8.2]
3-02-2010 (Lecture 10) - L1-SVM
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 6.1.2], [Schölkopf - Chapter 7.5], [Abe - Chapter 2.2]
2-25-2010 - CLASS CANCELED
- class canceled due to the inclement weather
- video-recording of the empty class: here
2-23-2010 (Lecture 9) - Hard-margin SVM
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 6.1.1], [Schölkopf - Chapter 7.3], [Abe - Chapter 2.1]
2-18-2010 (Lecture 8) - Optimization theory
- video-recording: here
2-16-2010 (Lecture 7) - Optimization theory
- video-recording: here
2-11-2010 (Lecture 6) - Optimization theory
- video-recording: here
2-09-2010 (Lecture 5) - Optimization theory
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 4], [Schölkopf - Chapter 6]
- convex optimization - book + online lectures: [Prof. Stephen Boyd / Stanford]
2-04-2010 (Lecture 4) - Maximum-margin classifier
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 7.1, 7.2], [Cristianini - Chapter 6.1.1]
2-02-2010 (Lecture 3) - Perceptron
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Cristianini - Chapter 2.1]
1-28-2010 (Lecture 2) - Nearest-mean classifier
- video-recording: here
- reading: [Schölkopf - Chapter 1.2, B.2]
1-26-2010 (Lecture 1) - Introductory class
- video-recording: here
- slides: svm_lecture_01.pdf