Publications: |
- T.Holotyak, J.Zaharija. Algebraization of internal electrodynamic problems, Proceedings of 4th Science-Technical Conference "Microelectronic CAD", February 20-26, 1996, Lviv, Ukraine, vol.2, p.67-68 (in Ukrainian).
- T.Holotyak, J.Zaharija. Influence of linear equation system condition on electrodynamic problem solution by direct methods, Proceedings of 4th Science-Technical Conference "Microelectronic CAD", February 18-23, 1997, Lviv, Ukraine, vol.2, p.65-66 (in Ukrainian).
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Simulation of sparse antenna array in radiometry imaging systems, Proceedings of 4th Science-Technical Conference "Microelectronic CAD", February 18-23, 1997, Lviv, Ukraine, vol.2, p.153-154 (in Ukrainian).
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Computer modeling of radiometry imaging system with different types of antennas, Proceedings of Second International Conference "Antenna Theory and Techniques", May 20-22, 1997, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 101-103.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Sparse antenna array in radar imaging systems, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS’97, Nis, Yugoslavia, October 8-10,1997, vol.1, p.46-49.
- T.Holotyak. Conjugate gradient method implementation in radiometry image restoration, Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problems of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Engineer Training, TCSET’98, Lviv, Ukraine, February 23-28, 1998, p.121-122.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Agreement between image and antenna system spatial characteristics in radiometry imaging systems with sparse antenna array, Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problems of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Engineer Training, TCSET’98, Lviv, Ukraine, February 23-28, 1998, p.123.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Investigation of spatial antenna system characteristics in active and passive imaging system, Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problems of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Engineer Training, TCSET’98, Lviv, Ukraine, February 23-28, 1998, p.124-125.
- M.Dzupyna, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Image restoration in architectural applications, Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problems of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Engineer Training, TCSET’98, Lviv, Ukraine, February 23-28, 1998, p.119-120.
- M.Lozynska, T.Holotyak. Comparative analysis of data sets approximation methods, Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problems of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Engineer Training, TCSET’98, Lviv, Ukraine, February 23-28, 1998, p.45-46.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Adaptive aperture formation matched with radiometry image spatial spectrum, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Microwaves & Radar, MIKON’98, Krakow, Poland, May 20-22, 1998, vol. 1, pp. 143-147.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Adaptive aperture formation in radar imaging systems with nonlinear robust image restoration, Proceedings of IX European Signal Processing Conference, EURIPCO'98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, September 8-11, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 1365-1368.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Mathematical models and spatial characteristics of coherent and incoherent imaging systems, Proceedings of 3rd International Kharkow Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves", MSMW'98, Kharkiv, Ukraine, September 15-17, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 562-564.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Surface image formation based on sparse arrays with nonlinear signal processing, Proceedings of Second International Conference on “The detection of abandoned landmines”, Edinburgh, UK, October 12-14, 1998, pp. 232-235.
- T.Holotyak. Radar and radiometry imaging systems with adaptive aperture formation, Proceedings of Second International Conference on “The detection of abandoned landmines”, Edinburgh, UK, October 12-14, 1998, pp. 227-231.
- S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. High resolution image restoration based on inverse problem solution using iterative methods, Proceedings of 3rd International Seminar "Direct and Inverse Problems in Theory of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves", DIPED'98, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 2-5, 1998, pp. 117-120.
- I.Prudyus, S.Voloshynovskiy, T.Holotyak. Convergence ratio of iterative image restoration methods improving based on constrains on solution approach, Academic Journal of Lviv Polytechnic State University “Computer aided design: theory and practice” No 373, 1999, pp. 202 - 206. (in Ukrainian).
- T.Holotyak. Conjugate gradient method with constrains on solution in radiometry image restoration, Lviv Polytechnic State University “Theory and design of semiconductor and radio electronic devices” No 352, 1998, pp. 126-128. (in Ukrainian).
- I. Prudyus, S. Voloshynovskiy, T. Holotyak. Two-stage method for impulse noise removal, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics, CADSM'99, February 1-6, 1999, Slavsk, Ukraine, pp. 115-116.
- I. Prudyus, S. Voloshynovskiy, T. Holotyak. Objective and subjective estimation of image restoration quality in radiometry imaging systems, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics, CADSM'99, February 1-6, 1999, Slavsk, Ukraine, pp. 117-118.
- I. Prudyus, L. Lazko, T. Holotyak. Simulation of antenna array characteristics impact on objects image restoration, Proceedings of III International Conference “Antenna theory and techniques”, ICATT’99, Sevastopil, Ukraine, September 8-11, 1999, pp. 230-232.
- I. Prudyus, S. Voloshynovskiy, W. Osberger, T. Holotyak. Objective and subjective estimation of image restoration quality in radiometry imaging systems, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS’99, Nis, Yugoslaviya, 1999, vol. 1, pp. 182-183.
- I. Prudyus, S. Voloshynovskiy, Y. Rytsar, T. Holotyak. Impulse noise removal using linear prediction model, Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS’99, Nis, Yugoslaviya, 1999, vol. 2, pp. 608-611.
- Prudyus, L. Lazko, T. Holotyak. Phase distortion removal in radiometry imaging system using smooth regularizators, Academic Journal of Lviv Polytechnic State University “Electro energetic and electro mechanical systems”, No372, 1999, pp. 158-165. (in Ukrainian)
- Ye. Klepfer, I. Prudyus, T. Holotyak. Adaptive method of radiometry imaging, Academic Journal of Lviv Polytechnic State University “Computer aided design: theory and practice”, No 398, 2000, pp. 104-109. (in Ukrainian)
- Prudyus, L. Lazko, T. Holotyak. Impact of smooth regularizators on stationary and non-stationary iterative methods in radiometry inverse problem, Academic Journal of Lviv Polytechnic State University “Radio Engineering and Telecommunications”, No 387, 2000, pp. 46-49. (in Ukrainian)
- I. Prudyus, S. Voloshynovskyy, A. Synyavskyy, T. Holotyak, L. Lazko. Generalized radar/radiometry, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland, No 4, 2001, pp. 15-20